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Witch`s Master Grimoire by Lady Sabrina
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According to the author, magick is the art of getting results. It is one of the best ways to gain control & bring harmony back into your life. Magick unleashes your personal power & can provide you with the upper hand & an edge in most situations. One of the easiest, most popular & convenient ways to begin magick is through the casting of a spell. Anyone can perform spells because they do not require any specific amount of space, elaborate equipment, or special training. All you need to make a spell work is an open mind & the desire & curiosity to experiment. This book contains numerous simple & effective spells & magickal rites organized in an easy-to-follow A to Z format, utilizing various tools that include candles, herbs, plants, minerals, oils & incense. There are also tips on the best & most productive times to cast spells. The most important thing to remember is to not be disillusioned if your magick does not work immediately. Some spells will take longer to work than others, but if you follow this helpful & informative guide, & have faith in your work, your wishes will come true.

  • Size:Paperback, 219 pages.
價格: $220 HKD
VIP 會員價格: $198 HKD
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貨品編號: 01868

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